Klaten is an area in the province of Central Java. The area is adjacent to the north Boyolali, Sukoharjo regency in the east, as well as the province of Yogyakarta Special Region in the south and west. Prambanan temple complex, one of the largest Hindu temple complex in Indonesia, located in the district of Klaten.
Klaten has a myriad of attractions with beautiful views, if you want a holiday where the suitable place, guaranteed you will not be disappointed, especially if you are visiting with relatives, spouses or family vacation you will be guaranteed to be more fun.
Klaten has a myriad of attractions with beautiful views, if you want a holiday where the suitable place, guaranteed you will not be disappointed, especially if you are visiting with relatives, spouses or family vacation you will be guaranteed to be more fun.
Here's 23 Best Places list in Klaten mandatory must-visit if you're visiting Klaten
1. Bannerman Ponggok

Bannerman Ponggok is one of the tourist attractions in Klaten, Central Java, Bannerman Ponggok located at the village Ponggok, Polanharjo district, Klaten. This resort is a large pool measuring 6000 square meters which also utilizes a spring so that the water is clear enough. In this pool there are freshwater fish and the pond bottom is sand, so that tourists can snorkel while watching colorful fish here.
2. Bannerman Kapilaler
Bannerman Kapilaler is bathing a daughter that is still used by local communities to take a shower. The pond is still in the form of rocks and soil. Bannerman is located near springs Si Gedang which is also used by a water company to be packed into bottled water. Kapilaler pennant is not too big. Being under the banyan tree grove with large stones dipinggirnya. Shady place to make tourists feel at home to linger in this place.
3. Bannerman Jolotundo
Bannerman Jolotundo located in District Jatinom, precisely at 10 kilometers north of the City of Klaten. It is said that this place was built by the Dutch in 1924 and therefore has not undergone many changes, that there are several pools with different depths and each pool separated by a stone wall. Want to swim in the large bathing pool accompanied by small fish? Yes, Bannerman Jalatunda this choice.
4. Sewu
Sewu Klaten located in Hamlet Bener, Bugisan Village, District Prambanan, Klaten regency, Central Java Province. From the name we can know that this temple has the number of a thousand, but it is not. Precisely, Sewu cluster consisting of 249 temples, consisting of one main temple, flanking temple or temple 8 between, and 240 ancillary temples. is adjacent to the temple of Prambanan temple, which is approximately 800 meters south of the statue Rara Jongrang. The main temple is located in the center, on the four sides of the temple surrounded by bridesmaids and ancillary temples in a symmetrical arrangement.
5. Candi Lumbung
One more interesting place to visit temple in Klaten, namely Candi Lumbung. The temple is located in a complex with Taman Wisata Candi Prambanan, which is next to the temple Bubrah. The temple has been entered into the Central Java, which is in the district of Klaten. Candi Lumbung has a size that is not so large, measuring only 8.7 mx 8.7 m. 8 m high building of the temple. At the center of the temple there is a temple that functioned well as a place to store peripih box. Candi Lumbung temple does not have a companion (perwara) and only stood as a single temple.
6. Plaosan
Still in Prambanan subdistrict. About 1 km to the east of Prambanan temple we will find other no less magnificent. The temple in question is Plaosan. The temple is located in the hamlet of Plaosan, Bugisan village. Plaosan is a Buddhist temple. It is characterized by the presence of Buddhist statues and temples companion stupa. The temple complex was probably built in the 9th century by King Rakai Pikatan and Sri Kahulunan at the time of the Ancient Mataram Kingdom. The temple complex itself is divided into two Plaosan Temple and Temple Plaosan
7. Candi Merak

Merak Temple is the ancient heritage in the form of the temple complex in Dukuh Temple, Karangnongko Village, District Karangnongko, Klaten regency, Central Java. Temple peacock is not as popular and as cool as Prambanan temple. Its location in the village of Karangnongko, District Karangnongko. The temple is small and was discovered in 1925. Since they were around this place are nest peacock, become the temple was named Candi Merak.
8. Gua Suran

Suran Cave is a cave located in the Santa Maria Village, District of Santa Maria. The cave is used as a place of prostration and meditation Kyai Ageng Gribig when not able to make the mosque. Cave-shaped letter L with ± 4 m depth. In addition there is the cave where the spring Suran wudlu Kyai Ageng Gribig. This location is now used for public dissemination apem conducted every month using chicken.
9. Goa Jetis

Goa Jetis is a cave located in the area believed to be the tomb of Ki Ageng Gribig once a place to regroup the army of Ki Ageng Gribig against the Netherlands, chaired by Ki Ageng Guntur Geni, ritual activities (pilgrimage).
10. Lumban Tirta Baths

Baths Lumban Tirta, situated in the village of Daleman, District Tulung distance from the town of Klaten ± 17km area of 25m x 8m = 200m2 The area 700m2 average depth of 1.5 m function as a pool To the northwest location of Lumban Tirta baths are included Bannerman Ingas with panoramic views great, here the source of this water is used for drinking water Kraton Surakarta Sultanate on the initiative Pakubowono X until now
11. Baths Jolotundo

Bath is located in the village of Jolotundo Jambeyan Karanganom Klaten, about 8 kilometers from the center of North Klaten. The bathhouse has an area of about 220 square meters of area attractions complex of 500 square meters. There are 3 swimming pools with different depths, 2 meters, 1.5 meters and 1Meter. Distance from the town of Klaten ± 8 km area 11m x 20m = 220m2 area of 500m2 average depth of 2 m function as baths
12. Mount Watu Prahu

Watu Prahu (a stone shaped like an upturned boat) with a length of about five meters wide and 1.5 meters located in a side street (directions to and from the village of Watu Gajah) in the middle of a forest in the hills.
13. Riverboarding in Kali Pusur
Travelers can do river boarding on the river Pusur. Boarding River crosses three villages in the district and sub-district Tulung Polanharjo. Trails along the 10 kilometers that can be taken for three hours. The river flows along the path of river boarding varies from flowing, rapids or also that flows slowly. Current will grow profusely if the water flow increases during the rainy season. you will feel the sensation of wading through the river with river currents vary, sometimes profusely, rafting and quietly. But do not worry, every voyage, boarding will be accompanied by two operators.
14. Lepen Kencana Klaten
Lepen Kencono is an attraction of this latest Polanharjo village. This vehicle utilizes springs Si Gedang. Lepen means river, this object was in a river, with the fields on the top side of the river. Several types of games such as sliders, rocking bridge, tubbing children and crystal clear waters make this place as comfortable as a children's playground. No special fees be collected to enjoy this river. This tourist attraction arguably is family friendly and children, namely Lepen Kencono.
15. Swimming Pool Galuh Tirto Nirmolo
Swimming Pool Galuh Tirto Nirmolo the pool facilities are provided by Hotel Galuh Prambanan at Jl. Manisrenggo, KM 1, Tlogo Prambanan, Klaten, Central Java 57454. However, this place has been developed by the management to the public as an exciting family attractions. You and your family can enjoy a swim in this place with a diverse variety of water games. At this location can be regarded as a mini waterboom, so many people who come to this location.
16. Rowo Jombor

Rowo Jombor in the villages Krakitan Bayat districts, presents a beautiful natural landscape and there are fairly large swamp. By people around the swamp is utilized for irrigation and also have used it to keep the fish in the reef. Since the number of people who keep fish then later made floating stalls are located above the swamp. The stalls serving dishes with typical menu freshwater fish farmed citizens. With so many floating stalls contained in Rowo Jombor then this place is often called the floating stalls.
17. Air Mata places Clark (OMAC)
Object Springs Clark (OMAC) or also called Tulung Bannerman Clark is one of the sights in Klaten, located in the village of Clark, District Tulung, Klaten regency. This place offers a tour of the water by utilizing its source directly to the pond water. Here there is a sort of pool or waterpark with a variety of games, but it also provided a natural pool that comes from pure spring water.
18. Religious Tourism

There are plenty of religious tourist contained in Klaten. Famous religious tourist contained in the Bayat. That is the tomb of Ki Ageng Pandanaran, is one of the leading propagator of Islam who was a disciple of Sunan Kalijaga. In this tomb complex we will meet arch is a cultural transition from Hindu culture to Islamic culture.
19. Peak Clongop Klaten
Clongop true peak into the territory Watugajah, Gedangsari, Gunung Kidul. But, if you are from Yogyakarta or Solo, access here more easily reached through a connecting bridge from Klaten Klaten-Gunung Kidul. Passing Bayat, along the way you'll find some interesting places, such as, Curug Luweng Sampang and Curug Indah. To reach the summit Clongop, you should be through a fairly steep uphill road. Be careful, use vehicles that sip if you want to here. In the climax, you'll find panoramic mountain and the town of Klaten in the distance.
20. Deles Indah

Deles Indah is located in the village Sidorejo, district Kemalang. There is an attraction to the natural atmosphere beautiful mountains that Deles Indah. In Deles Indah, we could see the view of the peak of Mount Merapi is legendary. Tourism potential in Deles Indah is actually very abundant. We not only can enjoy the natural atmosphere of the mountains with the landscape green. There are some historical relics can be found in Deles Indah include former Pasanggrahan Pakubuwana X, Tomb Kyai Mlayopati, Spring Kali Reno, as well as the Cave Sapuangin. Unfortunately, the potential of tourism in beautiful Teles now beginning teracuhkan due to eruption of Merapi in 2010
21. Region Janti

Jackie is a village located in the district Polanharjo. The village is famous for the fishing area. Janti village location not too far from Bannerman Ponggok. Janti entered the village we would see a lot of fishing is usually the one with the resto. During holidays Janti area visited by many people from the city of Solo and the surrounding area, even Semarang Jogja. Vast rice fields also make this area feels very peaceful
22. Floating point Rowo Jombor
This floating stalls in the village of Bayat Klaten Jombor Krakitan, or is about 6 km from the town of Klaten. If there is such thing in Banjarmasin Kuin Floating Market, in Klaten there floating stalls that are not usually found in other places in Indonesia. In this place lined with stalls selling food floating with the basic ingredients of fresh fish, you can enjoy all the dishes here while floating on the water. Of course this will provide a memorable experience.
23. Agro gondang winangoen
Agrowisata gondang winangoen is a tourist spot located in the region gondang sugar factory, located in the village of Gondang, District Jogonalan, Klaten regency. Here tourists can see how the process of making sugar and sugar visited the museum where you can know the history of the sugar industry from time to time, other than that there is also a Green Park which provides waterpark as well as games such as outbound, flying fox and others.
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